Lymphedema Treatment in Marsden Park
If you need treatment for lymphedema in Marsden Park, contact us at Innoshape Body Studio. Our wellness clinic is equipped for various wellness services including lymphatic drainage therapy.
Lymphedema is a condition in which swelling occurs on part or all of your arms or legs, including fingers and toes. It may change the size of your limbs noticeably and come with a feeling of heaviness, restricted range of movement, body aches, recurrent infections and/or thickening of the skin. Lymphedema is the result of a disruption to the lymphatic system, undermining its ability to filter excess fluid and wastes out of your body. As at today, there is no cure for lymphedema. However, there are a number of ways to relieve the symptoms and manage this condition, including gentle exercise and manual lymphatic drainage massage.
Gentle cycling inside a vacuum chamber helps improve your blood circulation and reduce swelling, plus activate your body’s natural fat-burning system.
The Ballancer®Pro compression therapy system was initially developed for Lymphedema and Lipedema patients. It is an FDA cleared system, made in Israel by one of the world’s leading medical device manufacturers, for unlocking lymphatic blockages, reducing swelling and draining excess fluids from your body.
It eases your muscular aches by improving oxygen and nutrient circulation, removing toxins and excess body fluids, applying gentle wave-like massage all over your body in 360 degrees circumferentially.
TeslaFormer’s Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) technology helps repair muscles by inducing supramaximal contractions to build muscle mass in a totally painless and comfortable setting.
Painless and effective therapy targeting lower back pain by stimulating the muscular structures and accelerating circulation.
It uses Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) technology to build your pelvic strength and lower back muscle in a completely non-invasive, painless and convenient way. A clinical study on 160 female patients suffering 4 different types of urinary incontinence shows that this technology helps over 90% of the group to achieve ‘Significant Improvement’ and “Fully Dry”.