Wellness Clinic in The Hillls: Lymphatic Drainage and Fluid Retention
Looking for a reliable wellness clinic in The Hills that offers various services for your wellbeing? Innoshape Body Studio offers lymphatic drainage and fluid retention treatments.
The lymphatic system is our body’s secondary circulatory system, comprising of a vast network of vessels. Its primary functions are to maintain body fluid levels, remove toxins and wastes, as well as carry fatty acids away from the intestines. This is why it is also called our body’s ‘sewerage system.’ In addition, the lymphatic system plays a vital role in producing immune cells to fight unwanted invaders. Therefore, although it is not as well known as the cardiovascular circulatory system, the lymphatic system is crucial for our overall health. For more information, watch this 9-min video explaining the lymphatic system.
A healthy lymphatic system depends on having a smooth lymph circulation. When this circulation slows down, blockages, toxins and fluid retention will be built up, leading to swelling, inflammation, body aches and pains and weaker immunity. Unfortunately, the lymphatic system does not have a powerful pump like that of our heart to drive the circulation. It only has the help of the valves’ movements and muscle contractions in the lymphatic vessels to maintain forward lymph flow. Therefore, our lymphatic system needs stimulation to keep its optimal functioning. Drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy balanced diet and practicing deep breathing can boost your lymphatic health on a daily basis. If you feel sluggish and need extra care, you should get a lymphatic drainage massage, which applies pressure in specific ways to target lymph nodes and vessels. A sauna session will also help stimulate circulation and sweat out toxins from within your body.
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Lymphedema is a condition in which swelling occurs on part or all of your arms or legs, including fingers and toes. It may change the size of your limbs noticeably and come with a feeling of heaviness, restricted range of movement, body aches, recurrent infections and/or thickening of the skin. Lymphedema is the result of a disruption to the lymphatic system, undermining its ability to filter excess fluid and wastes out of your body. As at today, there is no cure for lymphedema. However, there are a number of ways to relieve the symptoms and manage this condition, including gentle exercise and manual lymphatic drainage massage.
Treatments available:
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Body Aches and Pain
Body aches and pain can be frustrating and make your daily activity more difficult. The causes are numerous: overuse of muscles or joints, injury, too much or too little exercise, water retention, inappropriate responses to stress, lack of sleep, flu infections, inflammation, arthritis and other medical conditions such as fibromyalgia and lupa. While most people with mild body aches can return to normal with simple stretch exercises, pain killers or some physio treatments, those who suffer prolonged body pain should see a medical professional for a diagnosis and a treatment plan.
When it comes to an effective relief of joint and muscular pains, our medical grade devices – Ballancer®Pro and TESLA Care systems can help.
Treatments available:
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TESLAChair™ Muscle Strengthening
Lymphatic Compression Treatment
Incontinence & Pelvic Floor Strengthening
Incontinence is the involuntary loss of bladder and bowel control. It is very common and about 25% of Australians (over 5 millions) are incontinent, affecting all ages and backgrounds. 80% of people with urinary incontinence are women.
Our pelvic floor muscles, slinging from the tail bone to the pubic bone at the front of the body, are responsible for supporting the bladder, bowel and uterus. These supporting structures are crucial to our urinary and faecal continence. Pregnancy, childbirth aging, menopause, obesity, lack of exercise, high impact exercise and chronic back pain are common reasons for weakened pelvic floor muscles. Other health conditions such as diabetes, stroke, heart issues and prostate problems can also cause incontinence.
There are various types of incontinence. The most common are urge incontinence (a sudden and strong need to urinate), stress incontinence (leakage during activities such as sneezing, coughing, laughing, exercising), and overflow incontinence (inability to empty the bladder properly).
Incontinence can be managed and prevented with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles also effectively helps reduce the impact of incontinence, possibly regaining the full control in some people. For severe cases, surgery may be the only option. However, thanks to FMS (Functional Magnetic Stimulation) technology, we can now access to a completely non-invasive and clinically proven option for treating weakened pelvic floor muscles with our medical grade device, TESLAChair.
Sports Recovery
In the world of athletes, regular intensive training is part of their daily life. While intense training is required to meet the physical and physiological demands of competitions, they usually come with muscle soreness, exhaustion, injury, inflammation and, in cases of overtraining, trouble sleeping, anxiety, lower metabolism and disrupted hormones. When these symptoms occur, the athletes must assign sufficient time to rest and recover. To optimize performance results, an optimal balance between workouts and recovery is vital.
If you experience any stress signals after workouts, you should talk to your trainer or physiotherapist for a proper recovery program.
Treatments available:
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Lymphatic Compression Treatment
TESLAFormer™Muscle Strengthening
Pre-Op Preparation and Post-Op Recovery
When you decide to undertake a surgery, your surgeon will devise a pre-op preparation and post-op recovery plan listed with ‘DOs and DON’Ts’ for you. This usually covers your diet, hydration, physical activities, medication, supplements, personal care, rest time and mental support. In all cases, keeping your body as clean, healthy and fit as possible is ideal before an operation and helps you recover faster. Make sure you have a full understanding of the pre- and post operation instructions, bringing any concerns to the attention of your surgeon, no matter how small they are.
Treatments available:
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Scientifically proven targeted fat burning and weight loss program by combining of vacuum technology, low impact exercise and nutrition.
State-of-the-Art Lymphatic Drainage Treatment for removing toxins and excess body fluid, resetting metabolism, improving blood flow, encouraging collagen production and relieving aches and pains.
Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) technology for strengthening muscle and reducing fat at the same time. Get perkier butts, toned arms and thighs, or/and abs the easy way with TeslaFormer™. No countless squats or sit-ups. Its advanced technology of Functional Magnetic Stimulation induces 50,000 supramaximal muscular contractions in a 30-minute session, thus building your muscle mass without the muscle fatigue.
Powered by FMS Functional Magnetic Stimulation), TESLAChair™ is a non-invasive, painless and effective treatment for weakened pelvic floor muscles and all types of urinary and faecal incontinence in men and women, and incontinence after childbirth. A single 30min session can induce equivalent up to 12,000 Kegel exercises.
HIFU Treatment
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology for reaching deep into subcutaneous fat layers and providing visible immediate results. DualHI+™ HIFU body treatment reduces size of fat cells, stimulates collagen production and tightens skin all at one time.