Body Contouring in Rouse Hill: Weight Loss
If you need help with body contouring in Rouse Hill, Innoshape Body Studio is the go-to place. Our body contour and body shaping studio offers various non-invasive body contouring and treatments, including total body contouring.
Maintaining a healthy weight is not just about having a body that looks good – it brings us a whole range of health benefits. In Australia, over 65% of the population are overweight. Carrying excessive kilograms increases the risks of chronic diseases. The best and most sustainable way to lose extra kilograms is to change to a healthy lifestyle, combining regular exercise and a balanced diet. However, for bodies that are especially sluggish, a deep detoxification and lymphatic drainage treatment are beneficial for re-activating its metabolism.
At InnoShape, we have devices catering to people from those who want to lose over 20 kilos or those who just want to shed a couple. Based on your personal conditions, we will make suggestions for the best programs for you. Click the links to see which devices can help you see results in a faster and smarter way.
Body Sculpting
If you have been exercising and are on healthy diet but just can’t budge the stubborn fat around the belly, hips, thighs, the back and the arms, we have solutions for you.
Our painless, non-surgical and effective treatments sculpt your body by melting the excessive fat away and building your muscle mass. No surgery, anaesthetics orrecovery time. Reforming your body should not be a difficult task.

Cellulite Reduction
Cellulite, sometimes described as orange peel or cottage cheese texture, is a term for the lumps and dimples that appear in the skin as a result of fat accumulation underneath the skin. It affects 90% of women and 10% men and is seen mostly on thighs, buttocks, stomach and arms. While cellulite is more common in people who are overweight, those who are slim and fit can have it too. Contributing factors include hormones, age, genes, skin thickness, diet and lifestyle. To improve cellulite appearance, we have to focus on collagen production, fat reduction and blood circulation. Apart from maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, our non-surgical treatments can effectively help you bring back smooth skin.
Treatments available:
Click to learn more about the treatments available.

Muscle Building
Muscle development is important for your fitness and wellness. Not only does it makes your body burn more fat and accelerate its metabolic rate, it also builds up your core strength, improves overall balance and coordination, as well as strengthens your bones and tendons. Needless to say, muscle makes us look slimmer and more toned.
Scientifically proven targeted fat burning and weight loss program by combining of vacuum technology, low impact exercise and nutrition.
State-of-the-Art Lymphatic Drainage Treatment for removing toxins and excess body fluid, resetting metabolism, improving blood flow, encouraging collagen production and relieving aches and pains.
Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) technology for strengthening muscle and reducing fat at the same time. Get perkier butts, toned arms and thighs, or/and abs the easy way with TeslaFormer™. No countless squats or sit-ups. Its advanced technology of Functional Magnetic Stimulation induces 50,000 supramaximal muscular contractions in a 30-minute session, thus building your muscle mass without the muscle fatigue.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology for reaching deep into subcutaneous fat layers and providing visible immediate results. DualHI+™ HIFU body treatment reduces size of fat cells, stimulates collagen production and tightens skin all at one time.